There's alot to be said about a person who enjoys the simplicity of just sitting with a tea and watching the baby squirrels play. Perhaps, in someone's plain jane mind it means nothing. But to me there is almost close to nothing better, besides a damn good nap mid-day snuggled up with the baby. So which one do I choose? Well me and 14 month old Rylynd are both suffering (and I dont exaggerate the suffering) a sinus bug of some sort, and as totally awesome as it is to snuggle with him there comes a point in every mom's life with a drooling nose of boogers faced to you just doesn't bring in the awwws the way it used to. Then again I could really use the rest.
But sitting with an endless cup of tea (and many trips to the bathroom) while watching these 6 ridiculously hyper baby squirrels dig holes in my new lawn brings a brain full of giggles, then again, that grass looks like it could really use a cut, hell if I'm going to do that I might as well get on planting all my seedlings out front. The willow could use a trim too.
Is there ever a point when you can seriously just relax? Brain on hold, body on air? Is this supposed to happen only after the nest is empty, or is that what a mid-life crisis is but then nobody ever really finds it? Even before the boys were born I couldnt fathom the action of relax, too many friends, too many parties, too much shift work, homework? what's homework?
If someone knows the secret, feel free to pass it on, and maybe some of the really soft kleenex.
To relax is to just calm your mind, body, spirit..and think about, and deeply feel yourself and your life. If you're philosophical, relaxation comes from just soaking in the realization that you're a living creature, like those squirrels, and your life always has an active, present purpose. I feel relaxed just to be human, and to have my own unique mind and full functioning personality and body. You learn from the events you have gone through, and you learn from what you had lost at one point and what you have now, in yourself and in your life. Personally, i think alot of people's instincts as they get older is to do as much as they can, and then they reach a stressful point which is hard to come back down from..some people are too concerned with one main thing, and they forget about the more important, less obvious things. But i also think a majority of the North American nation uses half or less of their brains and don't know themselves well enough to be truly relaxed and truly content. It's for this reason that i am happy/content with my whole experience with drugs, and the extreme 'ups' and 'downs' i've had through life..any semi-smart person who has gone through self exploration and exploration of the world on drugs, (or any big experience that has changed their life, really.) is more enlightened and has more true knowledge about themselves and therefore the world..but going through years of doing drugs, or going through a life changing event, is a win/lose situation, always. and if it wasn't, then you didn't experience it completly. So, i guess relaxation can be so simple or very complex. But it's all in your mind and body and soul. I believe it starts with your soul. And your mind is the last thing you need to worry about. You can't think too much about life and just is. And that's all we know for sure. But atleast know the meaning of both. So you can truly experience your life, day by day. Otherwise you're just the living undead, (or some shiet) and that throws a complication into what is as contrasting as black and white, when it comes down to it. (Though i know it's not just two sides..there are always grey/mixed areas in between.) But you have all your five senses..experience COLOUR while you can! Because if we don't get killed first, we will grow old and begin to lose our basic abilities, and that's gonna be another change, so just keep flowing, and find what relaxation is to you.